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Arash Jacob

Spiritual Advisor/Guide

"See What Can't Be Seen."
"Know What Can't Be Known."

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My parents divorced at 4 years old. Soon after, there was a revolution in our country. Most were either jailed or put to death and everyone had their money and homes seized. 

My father hated his mother and so punished mine by taking my sister and me away from her, out of the country, and to the U.S. 

We skipped around: White Plains, New York, Maryland, and settled in Florida. 

Yet all was not lost . . .

One day, while walking on my street one day that I became aware that something else existed in this world--something between the cars and trees and mounds of dirt my friends and I played on. There was something that no one was talking to me about, yet I knew that this worldly force existed, and I knew that it knew that I existed. And so, the relationship began.


It wasn't until I was sixteen and resting in the backseat of my buddy's car, while he and another buddy rested in the front driver and passenger seats, all of us waiting to be called to spar in a taekwondo tournament, that I reached into the footwell and picked up his copy of the Loa Tzu's Toa Te Ching. As I read, my entire being lit on fire! For the first time, someone was describing in words what I felt in my bones, growing up, at seven, when I connected to that unseen presence in the world. I was validated by his words that the unseen was a real and powerful force, and that it grabbed me at seven, and had been navigating my life in ways I was unaware.


My father wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer--a good Jewish father--I wanted to go into business and thought that I would appease him by saying I investigated both and then I could be free to go about my way. 


Life had other plans . . . 


While attending an awareness conference at a nearby Osteopathic College, I saw one doctor take his coat off and sit at the head of a treatment table with another doctor lying down. As the seated doctor put his hands on the other's head and closed his eyes, I recognized something happening between them. I could feel it inside me. 


I investigated further, shadowed a doc that did this kind of work, and was intrigued by this idea of using your hands to heal the body. I applied, got accepted, and began life as a holistic physician, working exclusively with my hands to fix bodies. 


A few months in practice and I began to see things, like silent movies playing in front of my eyes while I was working with patients. I soon realized that somehow I was able to see their memories. I didn't know what to do with them, but I could see them.


For ten years I continued to learn and did nothing with the visions, but they kept happening more often, and more intensely. I though they were a cool parlor trick: I knew things about people but didn't know what to do with what I was seeing, so I did nothing. 


Then, one day, I felt called to listen to what I was experiencing, be guided by it, and learn from it. Slowly, I began to put my formal training aside, and that's when school really started. ADHD started to turn around. Autoimmune disorders that none of us could touch started turning around, sometimes overnight. I felt deeply that I was on the right track. 


I began to take a hands-off approach to patients and got results I never dreamed of. That was 13 years ago and I have never looked back. I continue to work with memories--deeply rooted in a father's side, or mother's, but also karmic memories that tie us up deeply and keep us from accessing our fullest potential. 


My job now is to listen to the words and desires of my clients, and to see where their memories and unaware self can be helped. My job is to get them on the right and easy track for having ultimately their biggest desires fulfilled, and to help them make their innermost desires a reality. 


Imagine being able to get what down deep you've known you've always wanted--what you've always been capable of. Just a little help is needed to get you past that thing that's stopping you. I serve as that help.

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